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The Platform *****

Watched on: #Netflix

Language: Spanish (available with English Subtitles)

Genre: Super Twisted

If there's something that truly blew my mind after a long time, it's THIS! This movie is nothing like it seems. You have to be as open-minded as possible to watch it all the way through to the end—well, if you survive all the gore, that is :-) It's based on a social science experiment where individuals are placed on different levels of a vertical structure for numerous days. A platform with food passes through the center of these levels from the top floor to the bottom, and the experiment aims to observe who gets to eat and who doesn't.

The best part about the film is that everyone can interpret its climax in their own way. Here's my take:

The world is governed by officials, whom we call the administration. They perform their job perfectly, preparing lovely meals and serving a full table of sumptuous food. Yet, when people at different levels receive this food, they still find reasons to complain. The greed, angst, and sheer survival instinct lead those in power to take drastic steps to ensure their survival, even if it means harming others at different levels. At its core, it's all about survival and solidarity. If we care for each other, we can all endure, regardless of whether the administration's plans are benevolent or malevolent. A perfect world isn't solely shaped by those who govern it; it also hinges on whether society shares a common vision and values collective well-being. The little girl who emerges unharmed and free at the end sends a message to the administration: even in such a place, humanity can prevail if we rise above ourselves. All it takes is our heart, mind, and soul.

If you're prepared to witness the unseen and are open to feeling a bit lost and heavy-hearted for a couple of days, then this is a compelling film to watch.









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